vrijdag 3 oktober 2008

Meer dan 25 extra gratis bestemmingen door combinatie Voipbuster en Callsdiscount

You want more then 25 extra free destinations with Voipbuster? You dial the Swiss access number for Callsdiscount (+41-445050790) and dial your wanted number ending with #. See for instructions: http://www.callsdiscount.com/ Choose Switzerland

Extra free countries:
- Turkey
- Switzerland - Mobile
- Romania + Romania - Mobile
- Sweden
- Slovakia
- Poland
- Luxembourg - Mobile
- Mexico
- Greece
- Germany
- Brazil
- China + China - Mobile
- Austria - Mobile
- Australia - Mobile

and many more!


1 opmerking:

Unknown zei

before posting links to your blog all over the internet, please actually test some of the destinations that wouldn't normally be this cheap - such as Swiss mobile

it doesn't work

maybe the special offer has ended